Traffic Control
- Approved Traffic controllers are authorised by the Department of Transport and Main Roads to control traffic at road worksites and other events where a road closure or part road closure is necessary.
- Traffic Management Implementation Officers (TMI Officer) must be approved by the Department of Transport and Main Roads
- Just Careers Training Pty Ltd trading as Licences 4 Work is approved by TMR to provide Traffic Controller and TMI Officer Training
- Best Priced and Best Quality Courses in QLD
- New Entrant (Beginner) Traffic Controller only $399 (Normally $570!) and TMI Officer only $249 (Normally $340!) , multiple courses held weekly
- Book a combo (Traffic Controller and TMI Officer) and save 20% of our already discounted prices!
- Refresher Traffic Controller only $249 and TMI Officer only $149 , multiple courses held weekly
- Our Platinum Courses Includes Work Experience Program - we arrange everything for you!
- To work complete the work placement component of the course and in order to get your accreditation you must have a General Construction Induction Card, add a White Card for only $50!
- Courses available for beginners and those requiring recertification
- PLATINUM COMBO COURSE – now only $518 – SAVE $392!
- NEW ENTRANTS - 2 DAYS TRAINING (8.30am to 5pm) followed by:
- 20 hours INDUSTRY PLACEMENT PROGRAM for Traffic Controller component
- 3 shifts on a live site for the TMI Officer component.
Please note: You need to have held a drivers licence in the previous 5 years to meet all of the requirements of this course.
New Entrant Note: we will place you into a 20-hour work placement program with a Traffic Control Company for the Traffic Controller component of your course AND we will arrange for you to undertake 3 shifts as part of the TMI Officer component of the course.
Refresher Note :If you meet the requirements for refresher (current authority OR expired authority with evidence of recent work), you will not need to undertake the work placement component of this course. Your course will consist of two 4 hour training and assessment sessions at our training centre.
Statement of Attainments will only be issued on meeting all the course requirements.
TMR cards will be issued once you have achieved your Statements of Attainment and you have lodged an application with TMR* (online or in person at a TMR Customer Service Centre)
Platinum Combo Course
- Best choice for work and career in Traffic Control Industry, Traffic Controller component is for entry level and TMI Officer Component will allow you to advance your career in traffic management – This course includes both!
- New Entrants Course - Choose this course if you have not worked in Traffic Control
- Refresher Course – Choose this course if you meet Refresher requirements (see below)
- Training Centre in Cooper Plains
- A White Card is required to undertake work placement – Book this course together with a White Card and save
- Click here for Platinum Combo Course Summary
- View available dates for Combo Course
Refresher / Re-accreditation Combo Course
Requirements for refresher include:
- Current authority OR
- Expired authority with evidence of recent work
You will not need to undertake the work placement component of this course. Your course will consist of two 4 hour training and assessment sessions at our training centre.
- Click here for Refresher Combo Workshop Course Summary.
- Book online or call us on 2101 2499

- Full Course Information Traffic Controller Course Information
- Implement Traffic Control Plans Course Information
- Terms & Conditions Click here
*TMR accreditation application requires proof of completing your course(s) as well as Offence History, Licence history and other checks. You will also be required to pay the required fee (per application). For further information visit
Traffic Controller
- NEW ENTRANT 1 DAY TRAINING COURSE followed by 20 hours of Work Placement. Was $570 – Now Only $399*
NEW ENTRANT COURSE - This course is suitable for you if you have not worked as a Traffic Controller. It is also suitable for existing workers who want to gain the new competencies by training and assessment. Best choice for entry into the Traffic Control Industry
REFRESHER COURSE – This course is suitable for you if you meet the Refresher Course requirements (see below)
Coopers Plains Sites for training
Statement of Attainment will only be issued on meeting all the course requirements.
TMR card will be issued once you have achieved your Statement of Attainment and you have lodged an application with TMR* (online or in person at a TMR Customer Service Centre)
- View available dates for Course
- Note:You must have held an open or provisional driver licence (Australian or foreign) within the last 5 years
Refresher / Re-accreditation Traffic Control Course
- Choose this course if you have not worked in Traffic Control Controlling traffic with a stop/slow bat) nor hold any of the current (unexpired) cards required
- Qualifies you to conduct work in accordance with the requirements of AS1742.3 and the MRWA Traffic Management for Works on Roads Code of Practice (latest edition).
Successful participants will receive their MRWA accreditation (Photo ID card) at the conclusion of the course and the nationally recognised Statement of Attainment for the Units:
Traffic Controller Course
Requirements for refresher includes:
- Current authority OR
- Expired authority with evidence of recent work
You will not need to undertake the work placement component of this course. Your course will consist of a 4-hour training and assessment sessions at our training centres.
- Click here for Traffic Controller Refresher Workshop Course Summary.
Book online or call us on 2101 2499
Please note: completing this training course only allows you to control traffic with a stop/slow bat. It does not allow you to Implement Traffic Control Plans. See Combo Course (above) or TMI Officer (below) for this option.

- Full Course Information Traffic Controller Course Information
- Terms & Conditions Click here
*TMR accreditation application requires proof of completing your course as well as Offence History, Licence history and other checks. You will also be required to pay the required fee. For further information visit
TMI Officer Course
- NEW ENTRANT 1 DAY TRAINING COURSE followed by 3 shifts of Work Placement. Was $340 – Now Only $249*
NEW ENTRANT COURSE - This course is suitable for you if you have not worked as a TMI Officer. It is also suitable for existing workers who want to gain the new competencies by training and assessment. Best choice for entry into the Traffic Control Industry
REFRESHER COURSE – This course is suitable for you if you meet the Refresher Course requirements (see below)
Coopers Plains Sites for training
Statement of Attainment will only be issued on meeting all the course requirements.
TMR card will be issued once you have achieved your Statement of Attainment and you have lodged an application with TMR* (online or in person at a TMR Customer Service Centre)
- Click here for Implement Traffic Control Plans (TMI Officer) Course Summary
- View available dates for Course
- Drivers licence required to meet all the requirements of this course
Refresher / Re-accreditation TMI Officer Course
Requirements for refresher includes:
- Current authority OR
- Expired authority with evidence of recent work
You will not need to undertake the work placement component of this course. Your course will consist of a 4-hour training and assessment sessions at our training centres.
- Click here for TMI Officer Refresher Workshop Course Summary.
Book online or call us on 2101 2499
Please note: completing this training course only allows you to do the job of a TMI Officer. It does not allow you to control traffic with a stop/slow bat. See Combo Course (above) or Traffic Controller (above) for this option.

- Implement Traffic Control Plans (TMI Officer) Course Information Full Course Information
- Click here for terms and Conditions
*TMR accreditation application requires proof of completing your course as well as Offence History, Licence history and other checks. You will also be required to pay the required fee. For further information visit